Cryptocurrency. The term is ubiquitous these days. Whether you get daily Instagram alerts urging you to invest or have just seen the news announcing that Mastercard is planning on utilizing [...]
Why do you need a credit card processor? Simply put, it allows your business to accept credit and debit card payments. With card payments making up nearly 75% of consumer spending in the US, [...]
You are just finishing a meal at your favorite restaurant. As usual, you had excellent food, and the server was gregarious and efficient. With a full belly, you hand your credit card to the [...]
You want to start your own business. Things are exciting, you have nailed down your product, have filed for your LLC, and then you think, “Wait a minute, how do people pay for my awesome new [...]
Whether your company is just getting off the ground, or you have been in business for quite some time, gaining new audiences and being able to attract new customers is principal to enhancing your [...]
As an e-commerce merchant, you know that chargeback prevention is very much a part of your business. Odds are that every online retailer is going to experience a few chargebacks — [...]
Here’s a great article taken from the FTC’s website highlighting the Dodd-Frank Act (fully known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act). The Dodd-Frank Act is a [...]
EMV, which stands for Europay, MasterCard, and Visa, is a global standard for inter-operation of integrated circuit cards (IC cards or “chip cards”) and IC card capable point of sale (POS) [...]
Much has been made in recent weeks about where emerging mobile payments technologies stand with the restaurant industry. Apple turned up the volume with Apple Pay, leaving many in the industry [...]
While many of us are accustomed to seeing a lower cash price at gas stations versus paying with debit or credit cards, differential pricing remains the exception rather than the rule with most [...]